Ordered from newest to oldest.

Quick Links:
  • Unit 3 Resources
  • Unit 2 Resources
  • Unit 1 Resources
  • Opportunities for Extra Points

  • Unit 3 Resources

    April 14, 2023 (Sections 7.3-7.4)

    You can find the slides for 7.3 here (themed version) or here (printer version). You can find the slides for 7.4 here (themed version) or here (printer version).

    Homework problems for sections 7.3 that require accompanying written work: none
    Homework problems for sections 7.4 that require accompanying written work: 3-6

    April 11, 2023 (Section 7.2)

    You can find the slides for this class here (themed version) or here (printer version).

    A worksheet was passed out in class. You can complete it and turn it in for extra credit.

    Homework problems for sections 7.2 that require accompanying written work: All

    April 3, 2023 (Section 7.1)

    You can find the slides for this class here (themed version) or here (printer version).

    Homework problems for sections 7.1 that require accompanying written work: none

    Unit 2 Resources

    March 24, 2023 (Section 6.3)

    You can find the slides for this class here (themed version) or here (printer version).

    Homework problems for sections 6.3 that require accompanying written work: 3-4, 6-7

    March 21, 2023 (Section 6.2)

    You can find the slides for this class here (themed version) or here (printer version).

    A worksheet was passed out in class. You can complete it and turn it in for extra credit.

    Instructions for using a TI-84 for t-distributions
  • Hit 2ND and VARS (i.e. DISTR)
  • Go to 4:invT
  • Type in the area to the left (you'll have to solve this by using the .5(1-c) equation) and the degrees of freedom
  • Hit enter twice

  • Homework problems for sections 6.2 that require accompanying written work: 5-6, 7,9

    March 17, 2023 (Section 6.1)

    You can find the slides for this class here (themed version) or here (printer version).

    Homework problems for sections 6.1 that require accompanying written work: 5-6, 9-10

    March 13, 2023 (Section 5.4)

    You can find the slides for this class here (themed version) or here (printer version).

    A worksheet was passed out in class. You can complete it and turn it in for extra credit.

    Homework problems for sections 5.4 that require accompanying written work: 3-4, 7-8

    March 3, 2023 (Sections 5.2-5.3)

    You can find the slides for this class here (themed version) or here (printer version).

    Closed homework will be re-opened over Spring Break. Turn in written work after break in class.

    Homework problems for sections 5.2-5.3 that require accompanying written work: 4-5, 11-12

    February 28, 2023 (Section 5.1)

    You can find the slides for this class here (themed version) or here (printer version).

    Homework problems for section 5.1 that require accompanying written work: 10-11

    February 24, 2023 (Section 4.2)

    You can find the slides for this class here (themed version) or here (printer version).

    Here are the instructions on how to find binomial probabilities on the TI-84:

    Homework problems for section 4.2 that require accompanying written work: 5-7

    February 21, 2023 (Section 4.1)

    You can find the slides for this class here (themed version) or here (printer version).

    Homework problems for section 4.1 that require accompanying written work: 13-14

    Unit 1 Resources

    February 7, 2023 (Section 3.2-3.3)

    You can find the slides for section 3.2 here (themed version) or here (printer version). You can find the slides for section 3.3 here (themed version) or here (printer version).

    We covered chapter 3, sections 3.2-3.3.

    Homework problems for section 3.2 that require accompanying written work: 2-3, 7-12
    Homework problems for section 3.3 that require accompanying written work: 3-10

    February 3, 2023 (Section 3.1)

    You can find the slides for this class here (themed version) or here (printer version).

    We covered chapter 3, section 3.1.

    Homework problems for section 3.1 that require accompanying written work: 12-21

    January 31, 2023 (Section 2.5)

    You can find the slides for this class here (themed version) or here (printer version).

    We covered chapter 2, section 2.5. Here are some supplemental images that may help you conceptualize what we discussed in class.

    Homework problems for sections 2.5 that require accompanying written work: 5-6, 9-10, 15-19

    January 27, 2023 (Section 2.4)

    You can find the slides for this class here (themed version) or here (printer version). Click here for the solutions to 2.4 additional examples.

    We covered chapter 2, section 2.4 in class. You can find detailed instructions on how to use a TI-84 for statistics here.

    Homework problems for sections 2.4 that require accompanying written work: 4-7, 10-13

    January 24, 2023 (Section 2.3)

    You can find the slides for this class here (themed version) or here (printer version).

    We covered chapter 2, section 2.3 in class. Here are some additional resources that might help:

  • Spiders Georg meme mentioned in class about outliers:

  • Shapes of distributions (excluding rectangular)

  • Measures of Central Tendency + Range

  • Homework problems for sections 2.3 that require accompanying written work: 3-11

    January 20, 2023 (Section 2.1-2.2)

    You can find the slides for this class here (themed version) or here (printer version).

    We covered chapter 2, sections 2.1 and 2.2 in class. Most of the time, you will be using technology (such as a graphing calculator or spreadsheet) to create these graphs. Here are some resources for learning how to make graphs:

  • How to make a histogram in Excel
  • How to make a histogram on a TI-84
  • How to make a pie chart in Excel

  • Homework problems for sections 2.1-2.2 that require accompanying written work: 3-5, 13

    January 17, 2023 (Section 1.1-1.3)

    We covered chapter 1, sections 1.1-1.3 in class. Here are some supplemental images that may help you conceptualize what we discussed in class.

    Note that some of the homework problems ask about bias. A question is biased if it is written in a way that leads the subject to answering or feeling a specific way. For instance, the question "How amazing was your first day of class?" is biased because it leads the student into answering in a positive manner. A student who did not enjoy their first day of class would have a hard time answering with this wording. A different way to phrase the question could be, "How was your first day of class?"

    Homework problems for sections 1.1-1.3 that require accompanying written work: none

    Sakai announcement: The Course Home page on MathXL will only show you assignments that don't have a due date (like the Orientation assignment) or whose due dates are within the visible time period shown on the calendar. For example, it will not show the homework for sections 1.1-1.3 right now because it is listed as due in February. To view all current assignments, you can click on the tab at the top of the Course Home page that says "entire course to date".

    The suggested due date for all assignments is the following class period. Remember that you should submit written work associated to the homework problems to me in order to get credit for that assignment. If you did not have to do any written work to answer a given problem, then you do not have to turn in anything for that problem. Each question allows you to submit 5 answer attempts. If you get all five incorrect, you may submit a written explanation of what the correct answer is and why for full credit. You can continue to resubmit this until you get the problem(s) correct.

    For each assignment, I will post on Sakai and the class website which problems are absolutely necessary to have associated written work turned in for credit.

    Opportunities for Extra Points

    Here is a summary of ways I've offered extra points for class (will be updated as necessary):

  • Office hour extra credit: Anyone who attended office hours before the Unit 1 exam received extra credit.
  • Homework rewrites: You can redo any homework problems you get wrong (even if you ran out of tries on MathXL). If you do them correctly and submit the written work to me, you get full credit for that problem.
  • Typos: Anyone who finds typos on my slides or worksheets gets extra credit.
  • Unit 1 Exam rewrites: You may rewrite the problems you got wrong on the Unit 1 exam. If you do them correctly, you get back half of the points you missed.
  • Re-opening of old assignments over Spring Break: All homework and quizzes were re-opened for Spring Break to allow students to complete anything they missed
  • In-class worksheet for section 5.4: A worksheet was passed out in class. You can complete it and turn it in for extra credit.
  • In-class worksheet for sections 6.1-6.2: A worksheet was passed out in class. You can complete it and turn it in for extra credit.

  • Reminder: If you ever need extensions or accommodations on homework/quizzes, please reach out.